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Documents are our bread and butter here; send us what you have, tell us what you need and we will do the rest. Our clients can have complete peace of mind knowing that since 1992, native, quality translations is what we do.

About the service


At AaGlobal, we keep an extensive database of linguists to ensure that each individual project is undertaken by the most suitable linguist whose educational and professional background is the most appropriate to the project in hand. We ensure that all translation work is only conducted by native speakers of the target language, ensuring that your content is always written as if it were created in that language initially. 

  1. Our dedicated Translation Project Coordinators assess each project in detail so they can grasp the client’s full requirements.
  2. This enables them to select the perfect translator for the job. They look into the context, the formatting required and the length of the text, so they know exactly who is best to translate the text at hand – we would never give an Instructions For Use Manual on a power tool to a translator specialised in romance novels. To find out more about our linguists and how they are chosen and verified, head to Our Quality Assurance and Linguistic Testing page. 

We translate every type of document from technical manuals to power of attorney’s in over 500 languages and dialects. 

For when your document needs verification, we also provide official certification and notarisation of any documents. 

We pride ourselves on carrying out extensive inhouse checks on every single one of our translations, providing the human touch in everything we do, to find out about our processes, read more on Our Process page.


For AaGlobal translations, localisation comes as standard. We do not charge extra or carry this out as a separate service for all of our translation customers as we do this WITHIN our translations. Due to only ever using native speakers in the target language for our client’s translations, your documents are already localised to the most appropriate terminology, style and phrasing for the target audience. If we are ever not sure of who your target audience is we will be sure to ask, so you know that your text is not only translated, but localised to exactly where it’s going to be needed.

For any existing translations you may have, we will gladly get these localised for you and get our native translators to ensure that your documents are fluent and roll off the tongue all over the world.


As part of our quality assurance procedures, all of our written translations are proofread before delivering to our clients. For those times when you need even further checks of your translation, you can ask for our in-depth proofreading service, in which we will not only carry out our standard proofreading and quality assurance, but we will employ an additional proofreader to your project, so you get that extra peace of mind. When proofreading a document, our linguists check spelling, grammar, text fluency, suitability for the target audience and make sure the style is correct. 

Get in touch with
Yulia, Translations Department Manager
Did you know?
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Over 250,000 bookings completed each year.

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2 million+

Over 2 million words translated each year.

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More than 500 languages interpreted each year.

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Over 15,000 linguists working with us.

Website translations
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Website Translations

Your website gives your business a great showcase for customers around the world. Having a multilingual website makes you more accessible and puts you ahead of your competition.
iPhone homescreen
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Machine Translations

The human touch is essential for accurate complex translations. However, our machine translations can help to alleviate the repetitive and monotonous translation tasks.
Multimedia translation services
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Multimedia (Audio, Subtitling & Transcription)

Sometimes you need more than just the written word, so we also provide audio files in any format as well as subtitles and transcriptions to suit your requirements. We work with the most professional voice over artists, translators and transcribers to ensure you are
Reading Braille
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Accessible Formats (Braille, Easy Read & Large Print)

With so many users in the UK of Braille, Easy Read and Large Print, we want to make it easy for our clients to be able to provide these formats to people in all subject areas, so everyone is included. We only use experienced translators so we can be sure the message
Multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing)
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Multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing)

Translations Translating your content was the first step, now what about when you need it stunningly formatted ready for print and publishing? We offer a typesetting service for absolutely all of our translations in over 500 languages and dialects.
Certificate Translations
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Certificate Translations

If you have important documents that need to be translated into another language, or from any language into English, you need a service you can trust. We ensure a smooth document translation service that fits in with your timescales. Our team of Language People is


Key Benefits
Pink speech bubbles
Only ever native, qualified translators
Qualified and trained interpreters icon
Dedicated Project Coordinator
Localisation icon
Localisation as standard
Yellow star
Proofreading included
Clear and concise icon
Extensive human quality checks

See what we've been up to...

Interpreting Services Build Trust and Efficiency

Interpreting Services Build Trust and Efficiency

Great communication is at the heart of every business, so it makes sense to take the time to get it right. With more organisations operating on a global scale, languages can prove to be a barrier to success. However, this is where professional interpreters can step in to help smooth communication. Interpreting services, like AaGlobal, provide businesses and charities with skilled language professionals to build trust and run efficient meetings. Linguists don’t just act as translators of the spoken word; they are there to help you make the most of meetings and conferences. Trust and efficiency are key for businesses to succeed. Interpreters combine language skills and cultural knowledge to achieve brilliant results in your meetings. Whether you are negotiating for new business or communicating with global employees, building trust is essential. Showing understanding builds confidence, which is indispensable for any business. A little respect goes a long way. Providing the relevant interpreters in your meetings shows your business partners that you respect their language and culture. It demonstrates that you are willing to go that extra step towards clear and effective communication. Providing an interpreter, or multiple interpreters, if necessary, shows your business is a thoughtful one. Whether you provide a telephone or face-to-face interpreter, it creates a great impression that will be remembered. Supplying talented linguists demonstrates professionalism and your commitment to a long-standing relationship. It is important to understand the etiquette of different cultures to show respect and understanding. And it’s not just about the words we speak; it’s also how we conduct ourselves. In Britain, we like to start meetings with small talk about the weather or what we got up to at the weekend. However, in other cultures, chitchat is sometimes frowned upon. For example, in France and Germany, they prefer to keep business and personal life separate. And in India, personal questions are expected, right up to asking you how much money you earn! Some countries, like China, are very strict about having face-to-face meetings. However, we Brits are now used to meeting via telephone or video conferencing. In the UAE, you might even see participants taking other calls and replying to messages or emails during your meeting. By recognising these cultural differences, we can build trust by showing respect and tolerance. Professional interpreters are experienced in cultural nuances and help guide you through a business minefield. Different cultures don’t only behave differently; our communication styles and the words we use are also extremely distinctive. There is more to interpreting than the sentences; a word we might use in Britain might have a very different meaning elsewhere. That’s the beauty of languages, but it’s also tricky! Don’t let these nuances trip you up. Particularly in a large environment with people from different countries, you’ll need to be careful. Using conference interpreting services, pick up on the intricacies of languages to make sure you don’t get lost in translation. Businesses are more effective with streamlined and productive practices, so you don’t want language to get in the way. You can get the job done with better communication. Interpreters are there to smooth the way. It is completely understandable that meetings or conferences with multiple language speakers in attendance can result in misunderstandings. Confusion and delays can really hamper proceedings and waste valuable time. No one likes meetings that are longer than they need to be. Professional interpreters can relay what is being said in real-time and streamline your meetings. They are on hand to clarify what is being said and highlight important details to keep your meetings flowing. By making sure that everyone understands each other, no matter what language they speak, avoids mistakes or follow up meetings. Trying to communicate with others who may not have the same first language as you can be difficult and sometimes frustrating. No matter how hard you try, your message can be misunderstood. This can lead to long-winded explanations and, at worst, can cause offence. By providing a trained interpreter, you can ensure that messages are communicated clearly and concisely. This means that communication is efficient and, most importantly, effective. Interpreters have a lot of experience working in these environments and understand how to keep meetings and presentations moving and on point. Trying to keep up with what is being said in a professional setting can be difficult at the best of times. However, when delegates are speaking multiple languages in your meeting, it can be mentally exhausting for participants. The main aim of a meeting or conference is to keep people focused and engaged, and an interpreter can help with that. You don’t want to have to worry about whether you are going to understand what is being said in a meeting. So, an interpreter can take on that burden, leaving you free to focus on the content of your meeting. Whenever you hold a meeting or conference, your main aim is to make sure that your goals are achieved efficiently. Now that more and more businesses are operating in or with multiple countries, the need for interpreters is becoming more important. AaGlobal has over 30 years of experience providing top-quality interpreters to keep communication clear and concise. Not only that, but we only use native speakers who understand cultural nuances to keep communication respectful, which helps build strong relationships. With a pool of over 15,000 linguists, we can help you get the most out of your meetings. We’ll ensure your conferences build on the success of your business. Contact us today to arrange as many interpreters as you need.
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We're ready to connect you to the world. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you!